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Age Criteria for Class 1: 6 years of age by the 31st of March of the academic year | Introducing 8th Grade in Nehru Nagar Branch | 100% Google Certified Teachers | ADMISSION OPEN for 2025-26 | ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR SILVER STARS PLAYWAY 2 years+

Transition to Middle school: Our Top Pointers to make the Progression Seamless

Change is the only constant. Our children’s education undergoes many changes. It begins with moving from the comfort of home to adapting to the new environment of elementary years. Next comes middle school, followed by high school and subsequently college. Each stage brings its share of disquiet.  It is in these crucial transitory phases; children have to be equipped with the right coping tools. Tools that will ensure smooth sailing towards an inevitable change. In this blog, Silverline sheds light on how middle school years can pose a few transitional challenges for students. We also discuss how Silverline, the best CBSE school in Ghaziabad, addresses these challenges and transforms them into stepping stones to success.

What are the Middle Years?

In the CBSE curriculum, grades 6 to 8 constitute the middle years.

What makes Middle Years a formidable change from the elementary years?

Children, while stepping up to the middle years from the elementary years, are still young kids. However, at this stage, they are expected to exhibit greater responsibilities and independent academic skills. The middle years bring the following transitions:

  • Academic changes.
  • Physiological changes.
  • Social changes

All these factors weigh in, and the children feel encumbered while transitioning from elementary to middle school. The need to measure up to the expectations of middle school years can make this transition overwhelming. Hence, it becomes essential that we pay attention to this transitional phase and ease out the initial jitters that students might face.

Let us look at the crucial factors that impact a student’s life as they progress to middle school:

1) New Educators

The elementary years provide a cocooned environment for a student.  The class teacher is the mentor and educator for most of the subjects. She is a central figure of authority and a bond for the students. However, starting with Grade 6, all subjects have specific teachers. The children take time to adjust to the more serious and formal approach that the teachers have to adapt to educate middle school students. It takes time for children to adapt to a considerable change like this.

Recommended Read: Top 5 Reasons Why The Primary Years Are Extremely Important

2) Diversification of Subjects

In the CBSE curriculum, subjects taught from grade 6 onwards get specialized.

  • Science comprises Physics, Biology, and Chemistry.
  • Social Science constitutes History, Geography, and Civics.
  • In Mathematics, many advanced concepts are introduced.
  • The children also have to be more proficient in their elected second and third languages.

This massive leap in the number of subjects and a considerable increase in homework causes children to feel snowed under.

3) New Academic Block

The elementary block in any school is always separate. The middle school classes are housed either in another branch or there is a separate building within the school premise. The children move from the comfort of studying for many years in a familiar block to another block that houses higher-grade students as well. Sometimes these changes make children a bit edgy.

4) Allocating time to Co-Scholastics.

Co-scholastics is simple to pursue and excel at until the fifth grade. This is because of comfortable academic schedules. However, starting with middle school, the academic concepts become more advanced and demand more time from the student. Balancing scholastic and co-scholastic becomes cumbersome for students.

What skill development takes place in the Middle School?

At Silverline, our purpose is just not to impart an education that focuses on completing the syllabus. We believe in well-rounded and holistic education.  Keeping this view in mind, we have always paid close attention to factors that might hinder learning. A child taxed with apprehensions about middle school will not absorb the lessons well at school. Therefore, we have an effective process in place to usher students into middle school. Our discerning and percipient approaches make us the best CBSE school in Ghaziabad.

  • The teacher-student ratio is maintained at 1:25, which helps the educator to give individual attention to all students. The orientation program held before the start of the session helps parents and students become familiar with the curriculum. The session also provides guidance on how the academic year will progress.
  • There are counseling sessions for the children, and a school counselor is available to address any student concerns.
  • Saturday is reserved for doubt-clearing sessions.
  • Regular tests are held before exams to ensure exam preparation does not overwhelm the students.
  • The middle school is within the same premises as the elementary school. Children continue studying in familiar surroundings.
  • In Grade 6, Silverline introduces many club activities like music club, language club, science, and dance club. These clubs provide students with a platform to interact freely and explore their interests beyond the prescribed syllabus. These sessions break the monotony of subject learning and infuse it with exhilarating energy.
  • Moral value lessons are imparted by the school regularly, which cultivates a healthy emotional quotient. These lessons help students improve their social skills and peer relationships.

Silverline’s imperative pointers for parents to smooth the transition to middle school.

As children transition to middle school, parents themselves need to undergo a considerable transformation when it comes to parenting.

They have to move from being authoritative figures and become more understanding. You would notice that your once clingy child now seems distant. He/she would be more interested in communicating with friends now. This is due to the physiological changes they undergo around this time. The need of the hour is to be patient with their changing temperaments.

Another pertinent point is regarding the exam grades. As, the complexity of subjects and curriculum increases, it is quite possible the child might not score well initially. Parents need to identify the gaps

and work alongside the child. Do not reproach the child and add to their worries. Communicate with the educator and work on the areas that need attention.

Here are a few pointers that will help your child take this important academic leap successfully:

  • Enable your child to get more organized with their scholastic and co-scholastic schedule.
  • Instill the habit of regular study.
  • Examine the syllabus and read the lessons in advance. This ensures a better grasp of the concepts.
  • Stay in touch with the educator and be updated about all academic and extracurricular activities.
  • Keep an eye out for any behavioral change.


To summarise, middle school will bring its share of anxieties and adjustments. However, with well-thought-out and researched strategies, Silverline, the best CBSE school in Ghaziabad, ensures a seamless transition to middle school for our students.