The Silverline School

Welcome To The Silverline Prestige School

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Age Criteria for Class 1: 6 years of age by the 31st of March of the academic year | Introducing 8th Grade in Nehru Nagar Branch | 100% Google Certified Teachers | ADMISSION OPEN for 2025-26 | ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR SILVER STARS PLAYWAY 2 years+

(Admission Helpline) 9999774433

Age Criteria for Class 1: 6 years of age by the 31st of March of the academic year | Introducing 8th Grade in Nehru Nagar Branch | 100% Google Certified Teachers | ADMISSION OPEN for 2025-26 | ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR SILVER STARS PLAYWAY 2 years+

Our Educators

The best teachers are those that tell you where to look but don’t tell you what to see

Our Educators come from diverse backgrounds and each of them contribute to our vibrant culture and environment in their distinct manner. Over the years, many of the parents associated with us have become teachers and that clearly goes to show the goodwill, open-heartedness and support they receive from us.

Uma Nawani

Mrs Uma Nawani

Head Mistress (NNB, KNB)

Awarded as THE BEST TEACHER in 2006 by Rotary Club, Ghaziabad An Alumna of Delhi University. She has received her Teacher’s Training from Ghaziabad. Mrs Nawani has more than 25 years of experience in the field of education. She has a unique ability to establish wonderful cooperative, professional relationships with students, parents and fellow educators. She strongly believes that ” A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way of others.”

Sonia Sehra

Mrs Sonia Sehra

Branch Head, Kavi Nagar Branch

BA ( Advance Maths, Economic & English), MA Economics, B.Ed

A self-directed, action-oriented professional with over 30 years of experience in educating and motivating students in learning Mathematics and its operations.

Ekta Kohli

Mrs Ekta Kohli

Supervisor (NNB)

B.Com, MA (Economics), B.Ed (CCS University)

Has been associated with this school from last 11 yrs. She has aptitude to remain flexible, ensuring that every child’s learning styles and abilities are addressed. Strongly believes “Teaching is such a profession from which other professions are born.”

Supriya Verma

Mrs Supriya Verma


Mrs Supriya Verma has 13 years of experience in Silverline prestige school. Her skills consist of good teaching, time management, technical skills, and Creative. Apart from academics she is a national player in Tae-kwon-do, District champion in cricket, and won many medals in sports. She strongly believes that “I can walk a short mile but we can walk miles together.”

Pooja Upadhyay

Mrs Pooja Upadhyay

Pre Primary Coordinator (NNB)

B.A. Corporate Secretaryship (Madras University, L.L.B and B.Ed (C.C.S. University)

Mrs Pooja has got 11 years of experience in teaching Pre Primary kids. Passion is to nurture the future generation with love, compassion, values, confidence and to make them think out of the box. Believes in these words of Benjamin Franklin ” Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn.”


Meena Uttam

Mrs Meena Uttam

BSc MSc(Zoology) (Lucknow University), B.Ed. (Annamalai University)

Has been in this profession for more than three decades. (32 yrs) She is a warm and caring teacher who wants her students to be successful learners and work to create a classroom atmosphere that is encouraging and adaptive to the varied needs of students.

Harpreet Kaur

Mrs Harpreet Kaur

(MCA / C- PGDBA) English teacher, September 2020 – present

I am motivated and ambitious and I would like my students to appreciate and understand the importance of the English language in our daily lives. I believe in strong communication between a teacher and students and encourage them to express their ideas verbally and through writing.

Deepika Bassi

Mrs Deepika Bassi

(B.A/NTT/D.el.ed) Mother Teacher, July 2010 – present

Having 11 years of teaching experience. I am an enthusiastic and dedicated teacher who wants all children to be successful learners. I am always excited to bring an inspiring and hands-on learning experience to the students. Also experienced in using manipulatives and the latest technology to keep students engaged and focused.

Chiroshree Sharma

Mrs Chiroshree Sharma

B.Com, NTT, D.El.Ed

I am an honest and positive person and I despise those who lie. I believe in giving my students an open sky to think and move ahead. I just want to be their guide and let my Lil ones be confident. I just want that one should learn from failures and should try again for happy moments as then one always has something positive and happy to look back to.